1-to-1 Gites - holiday rentals in France
Make yourself at home in France with a gite: 1-to-1 gites offers a selection of gites and self catering holiday home rentals for hire directly from the owners

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ID: 3886
Title: 1-to-1 Gites - holiday rentals in France
Website: http://gites-france.atspace.com  
Description: Make yourself at home in France with a gite: 1-to-1 gites offers a selection of gites and self catering holiday home rentals for hire directly from the owners
Details: "Gites" have been around since the 1950's. In the 1970s, when the country holiday concept began to grow fast, most gites tended to offer fairly rudimentary and fairly cheap accommodation; a large number of French gites still fall into this category. However, since the 1990s, and notably with the huge increase in second-homes in rural France - many of them owned by quite prosperous city-dwellers and people from other parts of Europe - the gite concept has gone up-market. Today, the majority of new gites available for hire are places that have been done up to a good, if not a high level of comfort and amenity. And prices can vary considerably, even for country cottages of similar quality and in the same area, so it's a good idea to look around carefully before choosing your holiday home. Keywords: rentals, lodgings, France, gites, accommodations, vacation, Travel and Tourism, Lodging, Lodging in Europe, Lodging in France.
Categorie: Lodging in France Lodging in France
Linktype: Regular
Date added: 12.11.2006
Author: paul
Aktion: 1-to-1 Gites - holiday rentals in France Send a report
Lodging in France

Keywords:  rentals, lodgings, France, gites, accommodations, vacation, Travel and Tourism, Lodging, Lodging in Europe, Lodging in France

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