UK E-commerce Website Hosting
Dedicated Servers running Windows 2003, IIS 6.0.  Ideal for PHP or ASP scripts, as well as mySQL databases. We can take care of all your website hosting needs, including installation of server-side components if you need them.

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ID: 4648
Title: UK E-commerce Website Hosting
Description: Dedicated Servers running Windows 2003, IIS 6.0. Ideal for PHP or ASP scripts, as well as mySQL databases. We can take care of all your website hosting needs, including installation of server-side components if you need them.
Details: We run our own servers and do not use more than 50% capacity on our servers. This ensures a very reliable service to the websites hosted on our servers, that takes into account traffic/bandwidth spikes. Our package is suitable for companies who are willing to spend a little bit more per year for a quicker responding website, far greater aggregate uptime, and daily backups of all data. Keywords: web hosting, hosting, dedicated servers, server hosting, windows hosting, PHP - ASP Hosting, Internet and Marketing, Hosting.
Categorie: Hosting Hosting
Linktype: Regular
Date added: 29.04.2007
Author: Andrew Lang
Aktion: UK E-commerce Website Hosting Send a report

Keywords:  web hosting, hosting, dedicated servers, server hosting, windows hosting, PHP - ASP Hosting, Internet and Marketing, Hosting

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