Details: |
LodgingXchange was created to offer those who are straight or practice an alternative
lifestyle accommodations around the world, that are free or at a fraction of the cost of any
world renown first class luxury hotel. Our company is a listing site for those seeking or offering
a place to stay anywhere around the globe. To utilize our site one must become a member
and fill out a compatibility questionnaire. We ask our members to familiarize themselves with
their hosts or guests long before their travel date to ensure a match. We encourage guest
houses, youth hostels, summer rentals, small country inns, even those who have a spare
room in their home to utilize our site. Whether you turn your home into a small business or just want to offer a weary traveller free lodging, LodgingXchange wants to revolutionize the way
people travel. Thank you for using
Good Luck, from all of us at Keywords: lodging, spare bedroom, apartment rental, house rental, cottage, Travel and Tourism, Lodging, International Lodging. |