Yoga Retreat BC
Offering yoga classes specifically for men, women, prenatal mothers, mom & baby, familes, kids, teens and seniors. Classes offered in Ashtanga, Mixed Levels, and Nia. Studio available for rental. Located on Saltspring Island, BC, Canada.

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ID: 2954
Title: Yoga Retreat BC
Description: Offering yoga classes specifically for men, women, prenatal mothers, mom & baby, familes, kids, teens and seniors. Classes offered in Ashtanga, Mixed Levels, and Nia. Studio available for rental. Located on Saltspring Island, BC, Canada.
Keywords: Health and Wellness, Fitness
Categorie: Fitness Fitness
Linktype: Regular
Date added: 29.03.2006
Author: Celeste Mallett
Aktion: Yoga Retreat BC Send a report

Keywords:   Health and Wellness, Fitness

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